Showing results 1 to 10 out of 17
AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016
02 Dec - 09:00 AM
Brno, Czech Republic
High school students, developers and hackers from the Czech Republic! You are invited by the AT&T Developer Program to come and showcase your skills at the AT&T / JA Czech :: Junior Hackathon 2016. You'll collaborate with your peers on connected life and Internet of Things challenges in areas such as: »Automation, »Data Analytics, »Education, and »Smart Cities
AT&T IoT Hackathon - Dallas (hosted by The DEC)
18 Nov - 06:00 PM
Dallas, United States
Does the Internet of Things excite you? Come and participate in the AT&T IoT Hackathon - Dallas. You'll get the chance to showcase your expertise and creativity to build sone awesome IoT solutions. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and leverage the support provided by experts from AT&T and the Dallas tech community. Compete for prizes around Smart Cities, Mechatronics and Women in Tech.
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - NYC
18 Nov - 05:00 PM
New York, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business? Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this special IoT-focused Mobile App Hackathon. Come and hack and build apps/mobile apps, and compete for prizes across different categories. Experts from AT&T and the local technical community will be onsite to assist with your development. Just bring your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance using the #atthack hashtag on Twitter/Facebook/Google+.
AT&T & GWC Women in Tech and IoT Hackathon - Atlanta
12 Nov - 10:00 AM
Atlanta, United States
Developers, designers, project managers, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend the AT&T & GWC Women in Tech and IoT Hackathon - Atlanta. You will come to the hackathon to collaborate om the design and build of innovative websites for non-profit charity organizations. You will be working with a team which is a great way to meet other girls who are passionate about technology too.
AT&T VR/AR Hackathon - San Francisco
04 Nov - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Developers, designers, project managers, or simply just a tech-head! Interested in learning about, exploring and creating VR and AR apps? AT&T Developer Program invites you to participate in the AT&T VR/AR Hackathon being held in San Francisco. Hang out with like-minded individuals and hack and build mobile apps! Compete for some great prizes as you build stunning AR and VR apps!
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon (IoT) San Diego - Hack-o-ween with CyberTECH
29 Oct - 11:00 AM
San Diego, United States
Interested in the Internet of Things? Sign up today for the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon (IoT) San Diego - Hack-o-ween. The event is sponsored by the AT&T Developer Program in association with CyberTECH. Collaborate with your peers to build an IoT or mobile Smart City app that uses datasets provided by the City of San Diego. Your app must help better serve citizens of San Diego. Scenarios to consider include First Responders, Public Health, Public Safety, Security, Traffic and Transportation, or related areas.
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Los Angeles
14 Oct - 05:00 PM
Los Angeles, United States
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business? Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this special IoT-focused Mobile App Hackathon. Come and hack and build apps/mobile apps, and compete for prizes across different categories. Experts from AT&T and the local technical community will be onsite to assist with your development. Just bring your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance using the #atthack hashtag on Twitter/Facebook/Google+.
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Notre Dame
30 Sep - 06:00 PM
South Bend, United States
Are you a designer, an entrepreneur, a student, or just interested in mobile tech? The AT&T Developer Program invites you to attend the AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Notre Dame. Collaborate to build apps/mobile apps and compete for prizes across different categories. Come with a team, or join one at the event! You'll be introduced to the latest cutting-edge tools to help deploy your own app with a website backend, fully hosted in the cloud. Compete for an awesome set of prizes! Your app will be judged on its originality, completeness, and degree of technical ambition. The 1st place team will win a trip to visit the AT&T Foundry in Plano, TX. $5,000 in cash prizes for 2nd and 3rd place teams, as well as winners of best use of IOT, most interesting concept, and best design / most polished. Visit the expert advice page for practical advice on hackathon participation!
AT&T IoT Hackathon - Bay Area
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
San Francisco, United States
Over $10000 in Amazon gift cards
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business? Join the AT&T Developer Program in the Bay Area for an Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile App Hackathon. Come and meet new people, scout for teammates to work on new or current projects, and compete for over $10,000 in Amazon Gift Card prizes across the following categories: Best Overall Hack IBM Watson Challenge Mechatronics Excellence Award Get your hackathon advice here on the tips page!
AT&T Mobile App Hackathon - Denver
23 Sep - 06:00 PM
Denver, United States
Join AT&T experts and other developers in the local community to create what ever app your heart desires! This mobile app hackathon is being put on by the AT&T developer program and will help teams work toward their end mobile goals. Hangout while building apps, getting fed, competing for prizes, and expanding your mobile dev network!